Terms Of Use & Privacy Policy

Updated July 23 2020

The term Domains in the following document refers to any domains under my scope of operation and that may refer to these policies. My domains include but are not limited to https://katiewoodstherapy.co.uk and all of it's sub domains. The use of the terms me, my, our or us refers to Katie Woods Therapy. The term you or user refers to you the client, the user of the products or services (collectively, the "Services"). By continuing to use the Services you agree to the terms stated in this and my other legal documents (collectively, the "Terms").

Note: I am a fully insured counsellor with a current enhanced DBS disclosure.


1.0 – GDPR Statement

This GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) statement will help you better understand how I collect and use your personal information when you use my Services. A more detailed description of my working practices will be presented to you on your first session.

1.1 – Your Rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act you have the right to:

Request a copy of the information I hold on you.
Have any inaccuracies corrected.
Have your information removed from my system(s).
Object to processing of personal data.
Place limits on processing of pesonal data.
Challenge automated decision making and profiling.
Data portability.

If you have any privacy concerns or wish to find out more about data protection visit the → Information Comissioners Office (ICO). You will need to allow up to 28 days to receive a copy of your information or to have your information removed from all of the systems.

1.2 – How I Use Your Personal Data

I endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information. I annually review my security, policies, systems and business practices to ensure that I meet my ongoing commitment to the GDPR.

How Your Information May Be Used:

To facilitate the appointment and booking process.
To offer support via email, telephone, chat or video call.
To provide the Police (or other law enforcement agency) with relevant information to assist in any criminal proceedings.
In an emergency; if I feel you are at immediate risk of serious harm.

Your Information Will Not:

Be sold or rented to any 3rd parties.
Otherwise disclosed wilfully.

1.3 – How Your Personal Data Is Stored

Your data may be stored securely and confidentialy using Bacpac software which is assessed to Information Security Management ISO27001 by Mayden House Limited, see Data Collected by 3rd Parties for more information.
Client data including case notes are kept as physical files – stored securely under lock and key.
Client data is pseudonymised to protect the Client's identity should any information be lost or stolen.
Client data will be retained for 3 years unless a request is made for it to be removed. Files may be kept for a period beyond the 3 year retention period for legitimate business interests or to comply with local law.

1.4 – Data Collected By 3rd Parties

My services; including website – may use or suggest 3rd party software. It's important that you read their policies before using any of their services:

2.0 – Cookies

My website does not track visitors; collect any personal data or use any cookies. The webserver may generate log files when you use this website which stores IP addresses, browser type and other non personal data.

3.0 – Contact

For any enquiries regarding your personal data, or if you are from a legal body or other authority please Contact Me.